Introducing our enchanting "Blushing Blooms" ensemble, where the delicate charm of rose meets the pristine elegance of white. At the core of this ensemble is a captivating rose-colored kurta, meticulously designed to evoke the softness and femininity of blooming petals.
Its gentle hue exudes a sense of romance and grace, while subtle embellishments add a touch of sophistication to its timeless appeal.
Paired harmoniously with the kurta is a pair of pristine white pajamas, offering a crisp contrast that enhances the overall aesthetic. Tailored for both comfort and style, the pajamas ensure effortless movement and a polished finish, making them the perfect complement to the kurta.
Together, the rose kurta and white pajamas create an ensemble that exudes understated beauty and refined elegance.
Product Details:
- Color: Rose
- Kurta Fabric: Blend Fabric
- Work: Patola Prints
Measurement: Customized to your size
Shipping: All Over the USA